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PharmAsia members' recent volumes (2011-2016)


Just Published

Beaudevin, Claire; Pordié, Laurent (2016). Diversion and Globalization in Biomedical Technologies, Medical Anthropology 35(1): 1-4.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2015 [©2016]). Promoting Chinese Herbal Drugs through Regulatory Globalisation, Asian Medicine 10(1-2): 316-339.

Pordié, Laurent (2016). How a Lifestyle Product Became a Pharmaceutical Specialty, in L. Manderson, E. Cartwright and A. Hardon (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology, London and New York: Routledge.

Pordié, Laurent (2016). The Vagaries of Therapeutic Globalization. Fame, Money and Social Relations in Tibetan Medicine, International Journal of Social Science Studies 4(2): 38-52.

Schrempf, Mona (2015 [©2016]). Contested Issues of Efficacy and Safety between Transnational Formulation Regimes of Tibetan Medicines in China and Europe, Asian Medicine 10(1-2): 273-315.

Schrempf, Mona; Springer, Lena, eds. (2015 [©2016]). Efficacy and Safety in Tibetan and Chinese Medicine. Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives, Asian Medicine 10(1-2), 381 p.

Schrempf, Mona; Springer, Lena (2015 [©2016]). Editorial, Asian Medicine 10(1-2): 1-7.

Springer, Lena (2015 [©2016]). Collectors, Producers, and Circulators of Tibetan and Chinese Medicines in Sichuan Province, Asian Medicine 10(1-2): 177-220. 



Blaikie, Calum (2015). Wish-fulfilling jewel pills: Tibetan medicines from exclusivity to ubiquity, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 7-22.

Blaikie, Calum; Craig, Sienna; Hofer, Teresa and Gerke, Barbara, (2015). Co-Producing Efficacious Medicines: Collaborative Ethnography with Tibetan Medicine Practitioners in Kathmandu, Nepal, Current Anthropology 56(2): 178-204.

Bode, Maarten (2015). Assembling cyavanaprāsh, Ayurveda's best-selling medicine, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 23-33.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul; Thoms, Ulrike, eds. (2015). The Development of Scientific Marketing in the Twentieth Century. Research for Sales in the Pharmaceutical Industry, London: Pickering & Chatto.

Hardon, Anita; Idrus, Nurul Ilmi (2015). Magic Power: changing gender dynamics and sex-enhancement practices among youths in Makassar, Indonesia, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 49-63.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2015). From social lives to playing fields: ‘the Chinese antimalarial’ as artemisnin monotherapy, artemisinin combination therapy and qinghao juice, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 75-86.

Hsu, Elisabeth; Ulijaszek, Stanley (2015). Introduction, in C. Potter, S. Ulijaszek and E. Hsu (eds.), Medical Anthropology at Oxford: The First Decade and Beyond, Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford-online (Special Edition) 7(3): 247-255.

Ma, Eunjeong (2015). Join or be excluded from biomedicine? JOINS and Post-colonial Korea, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 64-74.

Pordié, Laurent (2015). Hangover free! The social and material trajectories of PartySmart, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 34-48.

Pordié, Laurent (2015). An anthropological equivoque. Researchers' engagement and knowledge production (Comment), Current Anthropology 56(2), DOI: 10.1086/680464.

Pordié, Laurent (2014 [©2015]). Pervious drugs. Making the pharmaceutical object in techno-ayurveda, Asian Medicine 9(1-2): 49-76.

Pordié, Laurent (2015). Regional conflicts, collective identities and the neutrality of the clinical encounter: A note on tibetan Medicine in Ladakh, In C. Ramble & U. Roesler (eds.), Tibetan and Himalayan Healing. An Anthology for Anthony Aris, Katmandu: Vajra Publications.

Pordié, Laurent; Hardon, Anita (2015). Drugs' stories and itineraries. On the making of Asian industrial medicines, Anthropology & Medicine 22(1): 1-6.

Pordié, Laurent; Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2014 [©2015]). Industrial Ayurveda. Drug discovery, reformulation and the market, Asian Medicine 9(1-2): 1-11.



Bode, Maarten (2014). Ayurveda en Evidence Based Medicine. De kritiek voorbij, Tijdschrift voor Integrale Geneeskunde (Journal of Integrative Medicine) 29(1): 276-280.

Dejouhanet, Lucie (2014). Secteur informel et réseaux de commercialisation des plantes médicinales au Kérala (Inde), Economie Rurale 343: 53-70.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2014). An Indian Path to Biocapital? The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library, Drug Patents, and the Reformulation Regime of Contemporary Ayurveda, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 8(4): 491-315.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2014). How techniques of herbal drug preparation affect the therapeutic outcome: reflections on Qinghao 青蒿 (Herba Artemisiae annuae) in the history of the Chinese materia medica’, in T. Aftab, J. F. S. Ferreira, M. M. A. Khan & M. Naeem (eds.), Artemisia annua – Pharmacology and biotechnology, Heidelberg: Springer.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2014). Herbal medicine regulation in East Asia, in Sarah E. Boslaugh (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society, London: Sage.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2014). Prescription drug approval in Asia, in Sarah E. Boslaugh (ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Society, London: Sage.

Pordié, Laurent (2014). Genealogy and Ambivalence of a therapeutic heterodoxy. Islam and Tibetan medicine in North-western India, Modern Asian Studies (DOI: 10.1017/S0026749X13000085).

Pordié, Laurent (2014). Learning Institutions in South Asian Medicine, Introduction to the Special Section of Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 38(3): 335-339.

Pordié, Laurent; Blaikie, Calum (2014). Knowledge and skill in motion. Layers of Tibetan medical education in India, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 38(3): 340-368.

Pordié, Laurent; Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2014). The reformulation regime in drug discovery. Revisiting polyherbals and property rights in the ayurvedic industry, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 8(1): 57-79.

Springer, Lena; Liu, M. (2014). Zhang Zhongjing, in K. Brown (ed.), Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.



Adams, Vincanne; Schrempf, Mona;Craig, Sienna, eds. (2013 [2011]). Medicine between Science and Religion. Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, Oxford, Berghahn Books (paperback edition).

Blaikie, Calum (2013). Currents of tradition in Sowa Rigpa pharmacy, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(3): 425-451.

Bode, Maarten, ed. (2013). Traditional Indian Medicine, Special Focus of the IIAS Newsletter 65: 21-36.

Bode, Maarten; Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan (2013). Evidence Based Traditional Medicine: For Whom and to What End? eJournal of Indian Medicine 6(1): 1-20.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul; Thoms, Ulrike, eds. (2013). Pharmaceutical firms and the construction of drug markets: from branding to scientific marketing, Special issue of History and Technology 29(2).

Hsu, Elisateh (2013). Afterword: on naming and the politics of practice, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(3): 505-511.

Hsu, Elisabeth  (2013). 'Holism' and the medicalisation of emotion: the case of anger in Chinese medicine’, in P. Horden and E. Hsu (eds.), The Body in Balance: Humoral Medicine in Practice, Oxford: Berghahn.

Hsu, Elisabeth  (2013). What next? Balance in medical practice and the medico-moral nexus of moderation, in P. Horden and E. Hsu (eds.), The Body in Balance: Humoral Medicine in Practice, Oxford: Berghahn. 

Horden; Peregrine; Hsu, Elisabeth  (2013). The Body in Balance: Humoral Medicine in Practice, Oxford: Berghahn.

Kloos, Stephan (2013). How Tibetan medicine in exile became a "medical system", East Asian Science, Technology and Society 7(3): 381-395.

Madhavan, Harilal (2013). Revisiting the Kerala Ayurvedic Sector. Towards a Pharmaceutical Vicious Circle?, IIAS Newsletter 65: 32-34.

Pordié, Laurent (2013). Spaces of connectivity, shifting temporality. Enquiries in transnational health, European Journal of Transnational Studies 5(1): 6-26.

Pordié, Laurent; Simon, Emmanuelle (2013). Les nouveaux guérisseurs. Biographies de thérapeutes au temps de la globalisation, Paris: Editions de l'EHESS.

Pordié, Laurent; Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2013). Industrialiser les médicaments ayurvédiques. A propos des voies indiennes de l'innovation pharmaceutique, Autrepart 63: 123-143.

Saxer, Martin (2013). Manufacturing Tibetan Medicine. The Creation of an Industry and the Moral Economy of Tibetanness, Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books.

Springer, Lena; K. Pessl (2013). MigrantInnen aus China im Wiener Hochschul- und Gesundheitswesen: Dynamische Zwischenzonen und Einzelinitiativen, in J. Dahlvik, C. Reinprecht and W. Sievers (eds.), Migration und Integration: Wissenschaftliche Perspektiven aus Österreich Jahrbuch, Vienna: Vienna University Press.

Umemura, Maki (2013). Crisis and change in the system of innovation: The Japanese pharmaceutical industry during the Lost Decades, 1990-2010, Business History, DOI: 10.1080/00076791.2013.847428.



Banerjee, Madhulika(2012). Ayurvedic pharmaceuticals. Contesting economic hegemony, in P. Bala (eds.), Contesting Colonial Authority. Medicine and Indigenous Responses to Nineteeth- and Twentieth- Century India, Lanham: Lexington Books.

Bode, Maarten (2012). Ayurveda in the 21st Century: Logic, Practice, and Ethics, in L. Abraham and V. Sujatha (eds), Medical Pluralism in Contemporary India, New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.

Cleetus, Burton (2012). Relocating the Kottakal Experiment: Science, Medicine and Society in Colonial Malabar, in V. Kumar (ed.), Medicine and Society, Ernakulam: Maharajas College Publ.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul; Hess, Volker, eds. (2012). Ways of Regulating Drugs in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2012). Treatment evaluation: An anthropologist’s approach, In V. Scheid and H. MacPherson (eds.), Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Healthcare, London: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2012). Mobility and connectedness. Chinese medical doctors in Kenya, in H. Dilger, A. Kane and S.A. Langwick (eds.), Medicine, Mobility and Power in Global Africa, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2012). Medical Anthropology in Europe - Quo Vadis?, Anthropology & Medicine 19(1): 51-61.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2012). 'Feeling lighter': Why the patient's treatment evaluation matters to the health scientist, Integrative Medicine Research 1(1): 5-12.

Hsu, Elisabeth; Potter, Caroline (2012). Medical Anthropology in Europe: Shaping the Field, Anthropology & Medicine 19(1): 1-6.

Kloos, Stephan (2012). Die Alchemie exil-tibetischer Identität: Anmerkungen zur pharmazeutischen und politischen Wirksamkeit tibetischer Pillen, Curare 35(3): 197-207.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2012). Transforming states in the era of global pharmaceutical: Visioning clinical research in Japan, Taiwan and Singapore", in K. Sunder Rajan (eds.), Lively Capital: Biotechnologies, Ethics and Governance in Global Market, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Madhavan, Harilal (2012). Commercialising traditional medicine: ayurvedic pharmaceuticals in Kerala, in V. Sujatha and L. Abraham (eds.), Medical Pluralism in Contemporary India, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.

Pordié, Laurent (2012). Sortir de l’impasse épistémologique. Nouveaux médicaments et savoirs traditionnels, Sciences Sociales et Santé 30(2): 93-103.

Pordié, Laurent (2012). Branding Indian Aromatherapy. Differentiation through transnational networks, in V. Scheid and H. MacPherson (eds.), Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Heathcare, London: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.

Saxer, Martin (2012). A goat's head on a sheep's body? Manufacturing Good Practices for Tibetan Medicine, Medical Anthropology 31(6): 497-513.

Smith, Arielle (2012). Politics and medical authority in Singapore (Vignette), in V. Scheid and H. McPherson (eds.), Integrating East Asian Medicine into Contemporary Healthcare, London: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier.

Umemura, Maki (2012). Globalization and change in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry, 1990-2010, In M. Umemura and R. Fujioka (eds.), Comparative Responses to Globalization: British and Japanese Enterprises, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Zimmermann, Francis (2012). Du phlegmon à l’azadirachtine. Représentations indiennes des maladies et bioprospection, in M. Godelier (ed.), Maladie et santé selon les sociétés et les cultures, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.


Archives (pre-PharmAsia)

This information is compiled with the aim to set up a comprehensive database on our research field


Adams, Vincanne; Schrempf, Mona; Craig, Sienna, eds. (2011). Medicine between Science and Religion. Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, Oxford, Berghahn Books.

Adams, Vincanne (2010). Against Global Health? Arbitrating Science, Non-Science and Nonsense Through Health, in J.M. Metzl and A. Kirkland eds., Against Health: How Health Became a New Morality, New York University Press.

Adams, Vincanne; Dongzhu, Renqing;  Le, Phuoc V. (2010). Translating science: the Arura Medical Group at the frontiers of medical research, in S. Craig, M. Coumo, F. Garrett and M. Schrempf (eds.). Studies of Medical Pluralism in Tibetan History and Society. (Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bonn 2006), Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH.

Adams, Vincanne; Li, Fei-Fei (2008). Integration or Erasure?: Modernizing Medicine at Lhasa’s Mentsikhang, in L. Pordié (ed.), Tibetan Medicine in the Contemporary World. Global Politics of Medical Knowledge and Practice, London & New York: Routledge.

Adams, Vincanne (2007). Integrating abstraction. Modernising medicine at Lhasa’s Mentsikhang, in M. Schrempf (ed.), Soundings in Tibetan Medicine. Historical and Anthropological Perspectives (Proceedings of the 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (PIATS), Oxford Sept. 06-12 2003), Leiden: Brill Publishers.

Adams, Vincanne; Miller, Suellen; Craig, Sienna; Sonam; Nyima; Droyoung; Le, Phuoc V. : Varner, Michael (2007). Informed consent in cross-cultural perspective: clinical research in the Tibetan Autonomous Region, PRC, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry31(4): 445–472.

Adams, Vincanne; Miller, Suellen; Craig, Sienna; Nyima; Sonam; Droyong; Lhakpen; Varner, Michael (2005). The Challenge of Cross-Cultural Clinical Trials Research: Case Report from the Tibetan Autonomous Region, People’s Republic of China, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 19(3): 267–289.

Adams, Vincanne (2002). Establishing proof: Translating 'science' and the State in Tibetan medicine, in M. Nichter and M. Lock (eds.), New Horizons in Medical Anthropology. Essays in Honour of Charles Leslie, London & New York: Routledge.

Adams, Vincanne (2002). Randomized controlled crime: postcolonial sciences in alternative medicine research, Social Studies of Science 3, 32(5): 659-690.

Adams, Vincanne (2001). The Sacred in the Scientific: Ambiguous Practices of Science in Tibetan Medicine, Cultural Anthropology 16(4), 542-575.

Banerjee, Madhulika (2009). Power, Knowledge, Medicine: Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals at Home and in the World, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan.

Banerjee, Madhulika (2008). Ayurveda in Modern India: Standardization and pharmaceuticalization, in D. Wujastik and F. Smith (eds.), Modern and Global Ayurveda. Pluralism and Paradigms, Albany: State University of New York Press.

Banerjee, Madhulika (2004). Local knowledge for world market: Globalising Ayurveda, Economic and Political Weekly 39(1): 89-93.

Banerjee, Madhulika (2002). Public Policy and Ayurveda: Modernising a Great Tradition, Economic and Political Weekly 37(12): 1136-1146.

Banerjee, Madhulika (2002). Power, Culture, Medicine: Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals in the Modern Market, Contributions to Indian Sociology 36(3): 435-467.

Blaikie, Calum (2009). Critically endangered. Medicinal plant cultivation and the reconfiguration of Sowa Rigpa in Ladakh, Asian Medicine 5(2): 243-272.

Bode, Maarten (2011). The transformations of disease in expert and lay medical cultures. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 2: 14-20.

Bode, Maarten (2011). De vele gezichten van de hedendaagse ayurvedische klinische praktijk, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fytotherapie 24(2): 17-20.

Bode, Maarten (2009). Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Products: Government Policy, Marketing Rhetorics, and Rational Use?, in K. Eggleston (ed.), Pharmaceuticals in Asia-Pacific: Manufacturers, Prescibing Cultures, and Policy, Palo Alto: APARC, Stanford University.

Bode, Maarten (2009). On the Effectiveness of Ayurvedic Medical Treatment: Humoral Pharmacology, Positivistic Science, and Soteriology, e-Journal of Indian Medicine 2: 1-24.

Bode, Maarten (2008). Taking Traditional Knowledge to the Market: The Modern Image of the Ayurvedic and Unani Industry, New Delhi: Orient Blackswan.

Bode, Maarten (2008). The Modern Image of the Unani and Ayurvedic Industry, Wellcome History 37: 4-5.

Bode, Maarten (2006). Taking Traditional Knowledge to the Market: The Commoditization of Ayurvedic and Unani Medicine, Anthropology & Medicine 13(3): 225-236.

Bode, Maarten (2005). Ayurvedische en Unani Medicijnen: Farmacologisch Onderzoek, Humoraal-Pathologie, Authenticiteit en Valide Onderzoeksprotocollen, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fytotherapie 18(2): 16-19.

Bode, Maarten (2002). Indian Indigenous Pharmaceuticals: Tradition, Modernity and Nature, in W. Ernst (ed), Plural Medicine, Tradition and Modernity, 1800-2000, London and New York: Routledge.

Bode, Maarten (2002). Ayurvedic and Unani Bioceuticals: an Anthropological Inquiry into the Modernisation of Traditional Medical Knowledge, Amruth 6(2): 18-23.

Bode, Maarten (2001). Indian Indigenous Pharmaceuticals: the Articulation of Modernization and Indian Modes of Thought, in B.V. Subarayappa (ed), Medicine and Life Sciences in India, Project of History of Indian Science, Philosophy and Culture, Vol. IV, Part 2. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Bode, Maarten (1998). On the Consumption of Ayurvedic Pharmaceuticals in India: Extracting the Poison of Modernisation, in A. Gevers (ed.), Uit de Zevende. Vijftig Jaar Politieke en Sociaal-Culturele Wetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

Craig, Sienna; Coumo, Mingji; Garrett, Frances; Schrempf, Mona, eds. (2010). Studies of Medical Pluralism in Tibetan History and Society. (Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bonn 2006), Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2010).“Une marchandise scientifique ? Savoirs, industrie et régulation du médicament dans l’Allemagne des années trente, Annales - Histoire, sciences sociales, 65(1) : 89-120.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2009). New wine in old bottles ? The biotechnology problem in the history of molecular biology, Studies in History and Philosophy of the Biological and the Biomedical Sciences 40: 20-28.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2008). Professional order or market economy? Patents, biological drugs and industry in early 20th-century Germany, History and Technology 24: 107-133.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2008). Ways of regulating drugs : Industriualizing plants and hormones in France and Germany before 1945, in J-P Gaudillière, V. Hess (eds.), Ways of regulating, Berlin, Max Planck Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschichte Preprint Series n°383.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2006). La médecine et les sciences. XIXè-XXè siècles. Paris : La Découverte.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul ; Pierre-Benoît Joly (2006). Appropriation et régulation des innovations biotechnologiques : pour une comparaison transatlantique, Sociologie du travail 48 : 330-349.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2005), Better Prepared than Synthesized. Adolf Butenandt and Schering AG : Turning Sex Steroids into Drugs, Studies in History and Philosophy of the Biological and the Biomedical Sciences 36: 612-644.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul (2002). Inventer la biomédecine. La France, l’Amérique et la production des savoirs du vivant après 1945, Paris, Editions La Découverte, 2002.

Gaudillière, Jean-Paul; Löwy, Ilana, eds. (1998). The Invisible Industrialist. Manufactures and the Production of Scientific Knowledge, London: Macmillan.

Hardon, Anita & E. Kageha, J. Kinsman, D. Kyaddondo, R. Wanyenze & C.M. Obermeyer (2011). Dynamics of care, situations of choice: HIV tests in times of ART, Medical Anthropology, 30(2), 183-201.

Hardon, Anita & H. Dilger (2011). Global AIDS medicines in East African health institutions, Medical Anthropology, 30(2), 136-157.

Hardon, Anita & A. Desclaux, M. Egrot, E. Simon, E. Micollier & M. Kyakuwa (2008). Alternative medicines for AIDS in resource-poor settings: Insights from exploratory anthropological studies in Asia and Africa, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 4(16).

Hardon, Anita (2006). Contraceptive Innovation: Reinventing the Script, Social Science & Medicine, 62(3), 614-627.

Hardon, Anita & Medawar, Charles (2004). Medicines Out of Control? Antidepressants and the Conspiracy of Goodwill, Amsterdam: Aksant.

Hardon, Anita & P.H. Streefland (1998). Medicine markets and public health, In A. Gevers (Ed.), Uit de Zevende: vijftig jaar politieke en sociaal-culturele wetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

Hardon, Anita (1996). Community Drug Use in four countries, Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.

Hsu, Elisabeth; Harris, Stephen, eds. (2010). Plants, Health and Healing: on the Interface of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology, Oxford: Berghahn.

Hsu, Elisabeth; Obringer, Frédéric (2010). Qing hao 青蒿 (Herba Artemisiae annuae) in the Chinese Materia Medica, in E. Hsu and S. Harris (eds.). Plants, Health and Healing: on the Interface of Ethnobotany and Medical Anthropology, Oxford: Berghahn.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2009). Diverse Biologies and Experiential Continuities: Did the Ancient Chinese know that Qinghao had Anti-malarial Properties?, Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 26 (1): 203-213.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2009). Wonders of the Exotic: Chinese Formula Medicines on the East African Coast, In K. Larsen (ed.) Knowledge, Renewal and Religion: Repositioning and Changing Ideological and Material Circumstances among theSwahili on the East African Coast. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 280-299.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2009). Chinese Propriety Medicines: an Alternative Modernity? The Case of the Anti-malarial Substance Artemisinin in East Africa, Medical Anthropology 28 (2): 111-140.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2008). The History of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the People’s Republic of China and its Globalization, East Asian Science and Technology Studies (2008) 2: 465-84. (expanded English version of a chapter in French in A. Cheng (dir) 2007: La pensée en Chine aujourd'hui, Paris: Gallimard, 214-238).

Hsu, Elisabeth (2008). Medicine as Business: Chinese Medicine in Tanzania. In C. Alden, D. Large & R. Soares de Oliveira (eds): China returns to Africa: a Rising Power and a Continent Embrace. London: Hurst, 221-235.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2006). The History of Qing Hao in the Chinese Materia Medica, Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100(6): 505-508.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2006). Reflections on the ‘Discovery' of the Antimalarial Qinghao, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 61(6): 666-670.

Hsu, Elisabeth (2002). ‘The medicine from China has rapid effects’: Chinese medicine patients in Tanzania, Anthropology & Medicine 9(3): 291-314.

Hsu, Elisabeth (1996). Innovations in Acumoxa: Acupuncture Analgesia, Scalp and Ear Acupuncture in the People's Republic of China’, Social Science & Medicine 42(3): 421-430.

Kloos, Stephan (2011). Navigating ‘modern science’ and ‘traditional culture’: The Dharamsala Men-Tsee-Khang in India, in V. Adams; M. Schrempf and S. Craig (eds.), Medicine between Science and Religion. Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Kloos, Stephan (2008). The history and development of Tibetan medicine in exile, Tibet Journal 33(3): 15-49.

Kloos, Stephan (2006). Amchi Medizin zwischen Rand und Mitte, in A. Gingrich and G. Hazod (eds.), Der Rand und die Mitte. Beiträge zur Sozialanthropologie und KulturgeschichteTibets und des Himalaya, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Kloos, Stephan (2005). Le développement dans la négociation du pouvoir: Le cas de la médecine tibétaine à Hanu, Inde Himalayenne, in L. Pordié (ed.), Panser le monde, penser les médecines, Paris: Karthala.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2011). Techno-politics of genomic nationalism: tracing genomics and its use in drug regulation in Japan and Taiwan, Social Science & Medicine 73: 1200-1207.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2010). Pharmaceutical regulation as transnational vision and strategy: Japan and Taiwan in the wake of the ICH, in Wen-Tsong Chiou (ed.), Biennial Review of Law, Science and Technology: Science Governance, Freedom of Research, and Pluralist Democracy, Taipei: Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2009). The voice on the bridge: Taiwan's regulatory engagement with global pharmaceuticals, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 3: 51-72.

Kuo, Wen-Hua (2008). Understanding race at the frontier of pharmaceutical regulation: an analysis of the racial difference debate at the ICH, Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 36(3): 498-505.

Ma, Eunjeong (2010). The medicine cabinet: Korean medicine under dispute, East Asian Science, Technology and Society 4: 367–382.

Madhavan, Harilal (2010). Indian Ayurvedic Manufacturing Sector in the Open Regime: Prospects and Challenges, Rasamruta 2(19): online.

Madhavan, Harilal (2010). Ayurvedic Manufacturing Industry in Kerala: Growth and Linkages of a Traditional Knowledge Sector, VDM Verlag.

Madhavan, Harilal (2009). ‘Commercialising Traditional Medicine’: Ayurvedic Manufacturing in Kerala, Economic and Political Weekly XLIV(16) : 44-51.

Madhavan, Harilal (2008). Home to Market: responses, resurgence and Transformation of Ayurveda from 1830s to 1920s, Working Paper 408, Thiruvananthapuram, Centre for Development Studies.

Pordié, Laurent (2011). Se démarquer dans l’industrie du bien-être. Transnationalisme, innovation et indianité, Anthropologie & Santé 3. [online]

Pordié, Laurent (2011). Savoirs thérapeutiques asiatiques et globalisation, Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances 5(1) : 1-12.

Pordié, Laurent, ed. (2011 [2008]). Tibetan Medicine in the Contemporary World. Global Politics of Medical Knowledge and Practice, London & New York : Routledge.

Pordié, Laurent (2010). The politics of therapeutic evaluation in Asian medicine, Economic & Political Weekly XLV (18): 57-64.

Pordié, Laurent (2010). “Pharmacopée” and “Médecines traditionnelles”, in F. Landy (ed.), Dictionnaire de l’Inde contemporaine, Paris : Armand Colin.

Pordié, Laurent (2008). Tibetan medicine today. Neo-traditionalism as an analytical lens and a political tool, in L. Pordié (ed.), Tibetan Medicine in the Contemporary World. Global Politics of Medical Knowledge and Practice, London & New York : Routledge.

Pordié, Laurent (2008). Hijacking intellectual property rights. Identities and social power in the Indian Himalayas, in L. Pordié (ed.), Tibetan Medicine in the Contemporary World. Global Politics of Medical Knowledge and Practice, London & New York : Routledge.

Pordié, Laurent (2008). L’évaluation thérapeutique des remèdes végétaux traditionnels, in F. Hallé et P. Lieutaghi (eds.), Aux origines des plantes. Tome 2 : Des plantes et des hommes, Paris : Fayard.

Pordié, Laurent, ed. (2005). Panser le monde, Penser les médecines. Développement sanitaire et traditions médicales, Paris: Karthala.

Reynolds Whyte, Susan ; van der Geest, Sjaak; Hardon, Anita (2002). Social Lives of Medicines, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saxer, Martin (2011). Tibetan Medicine and Russian Modernities, in V. Adams; M. Schrempf and S. Craig (eds.), Medicine between Science and Religion. Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Saxer, Martin (2009). Herbs and traders in transit: Border regimes and the contemporary trans-Himalayan trade in Tibetan medicinal plants, Asian Medicine 5(2): 319-341.

Schrempf, Mona (2007). Soundings in Tibetan Medicine. Historical and Anthropological Perspectives, Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.

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